Here are a few common questions people ask, but please email me if you have a specific question or would like more information. Further information for new clients can be found here.
How long does an appointment go for?
A standard appointment is 1 hour.
How much does it cost?
- Standard Appointment - Initial $120
- Standard Appointment - Subsequent $110
- Bloomhill Reg'd Client - Initial $105
- Bloomhill Reg'd Client - Subsequent $ 90
- Student / Concession - Initial $ 90
- Student / Concession - Subsequent $ 80
How do I pay for my appointment?
You will be emailed an invoice and asked to pay by bank transfer, or by debit / credit card via the Client Portal.
How do I book?
Please book via the Client Portal or text / phone me on ​0431 135 114.
​Do you have online appointments?
Yes, online appointments are available. A link to access Zoom at your scheduled appointment time will be forwarded to you with full instructions.
Do I need a referral from my G.P.?
No, you do not need a referral to see a counsellor.
Can I claim a rebate from my private health insurance fund?
Many private health funds provide rebates for counselling services. You may be eligible for a rebate depending on your level of cover. Please contact your health insurance provider to determine whether you are eligible.
Do Medicare rebates apply?
Unfortunately, Medicare does not provide rebates for Counselling sessions at this time.
This means that a Health Care Plan is not required.
What is counselling?
Counselling is a process of talking about and working through whatever difficulties you are having - with a counsellor. A counsellor helps you to address your problems in a positive way by helping you to clarify the issues, explore options, develop strategies, increase self-awareness and find a way forward. For some people, just the process of telling their story to a counsellor, and being listened to, is helpful.
What will happen at my first appointment?
I will invite you to share your unique story, including the main areas you would like help with. It is also a chance for you to get to know me a little and decide if you feel comfortable working with me. If you think it would be difficult to talk about how you are feeling, there are other ways of communicating we could consider such as working with Expressive Therapies like Art, Symbol Work or Sandtray therapy.
Is everything I say in a session confidential?
It is very important for you to know that everything you say in our session will be kept confidential by me – except if I have concerns that you are at risk of hurting yourself or someone else, in which case I would need to act in the best interests of your safety or the safety of the person at risk. In the unlikely event that I was subpoenaed by a court of law I may also be required to share notes of our sessions. Your confidentiality is of utmost importance to me. Rest assured that I adhere to the Australian Counselling Association's Code of Ethics and Practice with regards to managing confidentiality. Further information about our approach to confidentiality, and the limits to this, can be found in our Privacy Policy.
How many sessions will I need?
This will vary from individual to individual, and will also depend on the particular issue you wish to address. After the first appointment, we can discuss a suggested plan moving forward. Many people require at least 4-6 sessions.
What if I need to cancel my appointment?
Providing at least 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment (via text, email or the Client Portal​) allows us to offer your appointment to another client who may be waiting. Appointments missed or rescheduled without 24 hours notice will incur a $60 fee that must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.
What if I need help outside of office hours?
Unfortunately, I am not able to provide support outside of office hours. Please phone Lifeline 13 11 14 for 24-hour crisis counselling, contact your GP or, in an emergency, phone 000.

At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening.
Heather Hepler
Qualifications & Accreditations
Bachelor of Education (B.H.M.S.Ed), Certificate of Gifted Education (C.O.G.E), Master of Counselling (M. Couns.)
Member of the Australian Counselling Association Membership Number: 15044